One app, multiple features

Entrepreneur to entrepreneur

Our system is made from entrepreneur to entrepreneur, we know how it is difficult to manage a company, and we know that its system shouldn't be more complicated than your day-to-day.

Constant updates

Constantly updated, either with our ideas, or with your suggestions, here everyone can give new ideas.

Highly intuitive

Designed to be intuitive, no need to stay looking for features that are hidden, it's all there, within reach of your vision.

Secure Data

Your information is safe with backups in three places in different geographies.

Anytime, anywhere

Whether in your business, whether at home, or in your beach house. Any country, any state, your financial information in one place.


Don't pay for something you don't use, our modular system allows you to access only what interests you.

Shop? Restaurant? Pub?

Whether you are a retail store, a restaurant or a pub. PayGate supports it

Inventory control

Control your inventory easily, create products with single or compound stock, product grid, without complications

"NF-e" (Brazilian Eletronic Invoice), and "NFC-e" (Sales Receipt with invoice)

We support importing NF-e (Brazilian Electronic Invoice) in the system, and even emitting "NFC-e" (Brazilian Electronic Sales Receipt with invoice), with A1 and A3 certificates


Several reports available in the system, cash values, service charges, sellers value. And if we don't have the report you need, just give us the idea, and we implement.

Financial control

The financial control of your business, you know in one system the statement from your bank account, your credit card. And more, in a glance, know if your company is at negative balance.

Integrate into your world

Never suffer from a bad support, or systems that are stuck in time. We are here for you, and your ideas may be our ideas. Let PayGate be your new financial world.

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